Recently on one of our weekly Goodwill trips we came across a new in box 1 foot long LED light strip designed to install direct to 110 service for $4. Got to love Goodwill. Given that we like modern tech like LEDs we still like the rustic re-purposed look so it took some time to figure out the perfect use for this find. So over the past 18 years we have been slowly replacing all of the old light fixtures in our old house. The 60s era fixture over the kitchen sink is one of the last we hadn’t replaced, so this would be a great use of this new light if we could figure out how to convert a very modern looking strip into something that would fit our rustic home.
Here is what we came up with.

A $12.00 2 gallon wash pail from Stantons Feed store in Alvin.

A few holes drilled in the side that will face out adds a little Texas touch.

good job! love it.